Plumbs Factory Tour
The date of the tour is now confirmed as Monday 16th october at 10.30 am. The tour intself will last about an hour followed by teas and cake and a look at the archives. If your name is on the list and the date is not suitable for you, please contact Angie.
AGM- New Committee Members needed!
In preparation for the AGM (always a jolly affair), we have Nomination Forms for Committee 2023/4. We are seeking your help in applying to be a Committee Member. Nomination is open to all members, whether new or long standing. We need your ideas and help to ensure we offer a full and varied programme for all to enjoy, and that our Centre runs smoothly and efficiently. Committee Meetings and Programming Meetings are each held six times a year, every two months. Therefore, there is a meeting once a month. You will be supported by other Committee members in your efforts. Please speak to Angie or any current Committee Member to find out more.
Factory Tour of Soap Mill at Chorley - heritage event
This will not now take place. Unfortunately, and despite our best efforts, we have only been able to get two tickets. We will put "names in a hat" of those interested and have a draw for the lucky winner (this was done and a winner was announced)
Christmas Coach Trip - Sunday 26th November
This year we have reserved seats on a Brethertons day trip to Bakewell and its Christmas Sparkle Event. This includes a visit to the event at the Cathedral. A very festive day, indoor and outdoor activities, local independent market, performance by Ashover Band and Christmas Carols. The coach will pick up at the Hob Inn, Bamber Bridge and we will arrange the booking as a group - £30. Please contact Angie if you would like to go. More details later.
Christmas Lunch - Monday 11th December
Our Christmas Lunch will be held on Monday 11th December. Arrival will be from 12 noon, with dining at 12.30 pm. There will be a festive two course lunch with tea/coffee and mince pies to follow. We will be entertained by Daniel, who proved so popular at a previous event - he sings, plays guitar and saxophone and will play any music of our choice. All friends and family are welcome. Menus etc., will be at the October Meeting.